



汇天下英才 建世界舞台


Lei LI






  • 2021至今

    深圳湾实验室         特聘研究员

  • 2019-2020

    加州大学尔湾分校         研究助理教授

  • 2016-2019

    美国贝勒医学院         博士后

  • 2013-2016

    德国维尔茨堡大学医学院         博士后

  • 2009-2013

    香港中文大学         博士





(1) 首次开发创新计算生物学方法从公共组学大数据中发现了选择性多聚腺苷酸化与复杂疾病的关系;




目前已开发算法软件和数据库超过10余个。在Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, Molecular Cell, Science Advances, Cell Discovery, Nucleic Acids Research等国际高水平期刊共发表研究论文约40余篇,被他引>2000 余次,H 指数 25。成果多次被Nature Reviews Cancer, Trends in Genetics, Molecular Cell, F1000等撰文推荐或封面报道。现任Nature Communications, Cell Genomics, Cell Reports, Genome Research等国际期刊的独立审稿人,受邀在多个国内外会议包括美国人类遗传学年会作学术报告并指导多位博士后和研究生。现任中国生物信息学会(筹)多组学与整合生物学专委会委员,中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志物专委会委员,广东省生物信息学会理事等学术职务。主持项目包括国家自然科学基金海外优秀青年基金项目,面上项目,青年项目等。


2023  美国人类遗传学年会(ASHG)口头报告

2021  国家级高层次人才工程(青年)

2021  深圳海外高层次人才(B 类)

2020  美国人类遗传学年会Reviewer's Choice Award

2019  美国人类遗传学年会(ASHG)口头报告

2012  香港中文大学Travel Award


1. Cell Discovery | 李磊团队与合作者发现胶质母细胞瘤的潜在新靶点并揭示其作用机制

2. Nat Commun | 李磊团队等揭示泛癌种一类选择性多聚腺苷化介导的新型肿瘤易感基因

3. Nucleic Acids Research | 李磊团队构建单细胞遗传调控平台解析疾病位点的细胞特异性机制

4. Nucleic Acids Research | 李磊团队建立内含子多聚腺苷酸化数据库ipaQTL-atlas,用来解释人类疾病非编码风险位点

5. STAR Protocols | 李磊团队使用大规模的转录组和基因组数据识别3'非翻译区选择性多聚腺苷酸化数量性状位点

6. QB封面文章 | 选择性多聚腺苷酸化(APA)的遗传调控及其与人类疾病的关系

7. Nature Genetics | 李磊博士等提出多聚腺苷酸化(APA)关联遗传位点可以解释人类复杂疾病

8. Molecular Cell | 李磊博士等揭示肿瘤选择性多聚腺苷酸化的新机制


1. Zhao ZZ^, Chen Y^, Zou XD^, Lin L^, Cheng XM, Zou XL, Xu QS, Gong LH, Li L*, Ni T*. (永利娱乐城) Pan-cancer transcriptome analysis reveals widespread regulation through alternative tandem transcription initiation. Science Advances. (in press)

2. Lin P^, Chen WY^, Long ZL, Yu JC, Yang JY, Xia Z, Wu QL, Min XY, Tang J, Cui Y,Liu FY, Wang C, Zheng J, Li W, Rich J N*, Li L*, Xie Q*. (永利娱乐城) In vitro and in vivo CRISPR screens identify the ubiquitin E3 ligase RBBP6 as a targetable dependency of glioblastoma stem cells. Cell Discovery. 10, 32.

3. Chen H^, Wang ZY^, Gong LH, Wang QX, Chen WY, Wang J, Ma XL, Ding RF, Li X, Zou XD, Plass M, Lian C, Ni T, Wei GH, Li W*, Deng L*, Li L*. (永利娱乐城) A distinct class of pan-cancer susceptibility genes revealed by alternative polyadenylation transcriptome-wide association study. Nature Communications. 15, 1729. 

4. Li L*, Ma XL, Cui Y, Rotival M, Chen WY, Zou XD, Ding RF, Qin YM, Wang QX, Quintana-Murci L, Li W*. (2023) Immune-response 3′UTR alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci contribute to variation in human complex traits and diseases. Nature Communications. 14, 8347.

5. Ding RF^, Wang QX^, Gong LH^, Zhang T, Zou XD, Xiong KW, Liao Q, Plass M, Li L*. (2023) scQTLbase: an integrated human single-cell eQTL database. Nucleic Acids Research. gkad781. 

6. Ding RF^, Zou XD^, Qin YM, Gong LH, Chen H, Ma XL, Guang SH, Chen Yu, Gao Wang*, Li L*. (2023) xQTLbiolinks: a comprehensive and scalable tool for integrative analysis of molecular QTLs. Briefings in Bioinformatics. bbad440.

7. Ma XL^, Cheng SM^, Ding RF, Zhao ZZ, Zou XD, Guang SH, Wang QX, Jing H, Chen Yu, Ting Ni, Li L*. (2022) ipaQTL-atlas: an atlas of intronic polyadenylation quantitative trait loci across human tissues. Nucleic Acids Research. 51(D1), D1046-D1052.

8. Zou XD^, Ding RF^, Chen WY, Wang G, Cheng SM, Wang Q, Li W*, Li L*. (2022) Using population-scale transcriptomic and genomic data to map 3′UTR alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci. STAR Protocols. 3(3), 101566.

9. Cui Y, Peng FL, Wang D, Li YM, Li JS, Li L*, Li W*. (2022) 3′aQTL-atlas: an atlas of 3′UTR alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci across human normal tissues. Nucleic Acids Research. 50(D1), D39-D45.

10. Li L, Huang K, Gao YP, Cui Y, Wang G, Nathan D, Li YM, Chen YE, Ji P, Peng F, William K, Wagner EJ, Li W. (2021) An atlas of alternative polyadenylation quantitative trait loci contributing to complex trait and disease heritability. Nature Genetics. 53: 994–1005.

11. Yang SW^, Li L^, Connelly JP, Porter SN, Kodali K, Gan HY, Park JM, Tacer KF, Tillman H, Peng JM, Shondra MP, Li W, Potts PR. (2020) A Cancer-Specific Ubiquitin Ligase Drives mRNA Alternative Polyadenylation by Ubiquitinating the mRNA 3′End Processing Complex. Molecular Cell. 77(6): 1206-1221.